400+ searchable Demos!Includes the following API Demos for Android
• Support Leanback Showcase Demos - Android TV• Mobile Vision Demos - Face Tracker, Multi-Tracker• Support Design Demos - Material: NavigationView, AppBar, Snackbar, FAB, TabLayout• Support Percent Demos - PercentFragment: PercentFrameLayout, PercentRelativeLayout• Support App Navigation - Activity, Action Bar, Notification• Support v4 Demos - Fragments, Loaders Accessibility etc. • Support v7 Demos - AppCompat, CardView, RecycleView, Casting with MediaRouter• Support v13 Demos - Fragments, Pagers and Action Bar Tabs• API Demos - Graphics, Animations, Hardware, Views etc.
Extra:• App Invite Demo - Invite others to test the app• "Cheesesquare" Demos new Material Design Library for Android, by Chris Banes• Easter egg?
Actions:• View - Lookup the source code on GitHub• Search - search over 400 executable demos• Issues? -There is no guarantee that all demos will work on your device, if so there is an option to send a mail.• Rate - if you find the app helpful, please rate it here on Google Play